What I learned talking with thousands of skeptics on Reddit |
June 2022 |
Providence and Vocation in ‘Father Stu’ |
June 2022 |
Providencia y vocación en la película “Father Stu” |
January February 2022 |
Should Suffering Shake Our Faith? |
October 2020 |
You’re Meant To Be An Eagle, Not A Chicken |
September 2020 |
Heart Of Jesus, Holy Temple of God |
May 2016 |
Daniel Berrigan and Non-Violence |
May 2016 |
Why You Should Read C.S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce" |
July August 2015 |
The Death of God and the Loss of Human Dignity |
July August 2015 |
Why You Need Spiritual Food |
June 2015 |
Love, Tolerance, and the Making of Distinctions |
October 2014 |
The Parable of the Talents |
October 2014 |
Revisiting the Argument from Motion |
May 2014 |
The Danger of Soft Atheism |
April 2014 |
Why Jesus is God: A Response to Bart Ehrman |
March 2014 |
What is Our Fundamental Problem? |
January February 2014 |
Priest, Prophet and King |
January February 2014 |
"Why Goodness Depends on God" |
September 2013 |
Hannah Arendt |
September 2013 |
Your Life is Not About You |
July August 2013 |
Why Faith is Indeed a Light |
July August 2013 |
World War Z and the Council of Trent |
July August 2013 |
Superman, General Zod, and God |
June 2013 |
Sympathy for the Devil: What happens when Love turns into tolerance |
June 2013 |
The Preachings of F. Scott Fitzgerald |
May 2013 |
The Adventure of Classical Morality |
March 2013 |
This New Francis |
January February 2013 |
To Evangelize through Beauty |
January February 2013 |
The Hobbit and the Gospel |
October 2012 |
Resisting an Aggressive Secularism |
September 2012 |
Why the Sciences will never Disprove the Existence of God |
July August 2012 |
Revisiting the Spiritual Warfare |
July August 2012 |
The Great Both/And of Catholic Social Teaching |