Teens Living Well
Heroes wanted
Everyone can be a hero, but how do we recognize the people in our lives worth imitating to live a healthy, holy and fulfilling life?
Help friends carry their crosses
As Catholics, we are called to be the support for our strong and struggling friends alike, and to help them carry any crosses life may throw their way.
Rest with the Lord this Lent
In this Lenten season God is calling you to consider giving up some of the noise and busy-ness of life.
Become a peacemaker
How do we tap into the peace that is not of this world and become peacemakers for others?
The ‘no fear’ step
No matter the decision before us, God doesn’t expect us to go it alone, and gives us real tools to navigate life’s decisions.
Spirit fuel
What if I told you that today you are called to act with the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit?
Steady as a rock
God has not called us to live in fear, but to lean into him for real peace, strength, and identity as our firm foundation.
When someone asks why you are Catholic …
Our witness of faith, and our answer to this simple question of why we are Catholic, can become an amazing journey.
What do I say when someone asks, “Why are you Catholic?”
Imagine this: A friend, classmate or teammate asks you, so why are you Catholic? You have 30 seconds to give an answer.
God in your lungs
So take a breath. Remember that God is calling you to encounter him in a real way here and now, as his physical creation.
Live with a resurrected mindset
God is calling you to think about the world and yourself in a different way, knowing that Jesus has truly conquered sin and death.
Seeing God clearly in hi-res
Take a second and ask yourself this question: What is God thinking about me right now?
New Year Rest-olutions
In the midst of resolutions and goals while living in a nonstop world, we have to remember that we are made for rest.
Having tough conversations
Conflict. It’s seemingly everywhere. But what do we do with it all?
Shining God’s light into cyber-bullying
Where does the classic “cyberbully” come from anyway, and what do we do about it as followers of Christ?
Be a holy scroll-er
How does social media shape how I view myself, others and God?
Waste some time
Someone once said, you are not a human doing, you are a human being. In the midst of your daily busy-ness, do you have time and space to stop and “be”?
‘All The Feels’
Do you ever feel like your emotions just get in the way?
Always remember you are a beloved child of God
God calls us to remember who and what we truly are.
Real-lationships 101
In a world of TikTok, Snapchat and DMs, what does a healthy relationship look like in 2023?
Unread Messages…from God
Why is it hard at times to hear God’s voice?
Keeping God Present in Your Mental Health
Mental health from a Catholic perspective reminds us that God has made us in his image and likeness.