
A Lenten challenge:
Be holy in thought and word. What would we look and sound like if we gave up hurtful language (for good)?
Pope's Monthly Prayer Intentions for 2025
Pope Francis asks that Catholics all across the world join in prayer for these monthly special petitions.
What is the sin that ‘cannot be forgiven’?
I heard that Jesus said there is a sin that cannot be forgiven. What is this sin? Why can’t God forgive it?

Mission-Ready Friendship by Jason Simon
Your Life

How the Mass can strengthen your marriage
Our deeper union with Christ strengthens the love within us and makes us more capable of loving and supporting each other.
Living our faith out loud during Lent
Christianity isn’t the default societal norm anymore, and that means it’s time to step up.
Change management begins with you
Before you throw in the towel, try these three strategies to help yourself and others push through challenging times of change.
Cultivating relationships with grandparents
Grandparents have so much to offer, but as with all relationships, communication and commitment are essential.

Keeping it simple with ‘our daily bread’
Your Faith

A mini retreat before Mass with the Good Samaritan
This mini-retreat is an imaginative exercise designed to help you prepare your heart to receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Patience & wrath
Patience, or forbearance, is the virtue we need if we are going to overcome the deadly sin of wrath.
Temperance & Gluttony
This month, we’ll discuss how the virtue of temperance can help us overcome the “deadly” (so-called because it gives rise to other vices) sin of gluttony.
St. Francis de Sales
Confident his son would follow in his footsteps as a lawyer, François de Sales de Boisy never anticipated the greatness the young Francis was to achieve.