Holy Intercessors for National Marriage Week
National Marriage Week has been celebrated from Feb. 7-14 since 1996. During this week, World Marriage Day is celebrated on the second Sunday to honor the beauty of the basic foundation of family and society.
National Marriage Week has been celebrated from Feb. 7-14 since 1996. During this week, World Marriage Day is celebrated on the second Sunday to honor the beauty of the basic foundation of family and society.
As the foundation of life itself, marriage is a long-recognized sacrament instituted by God, and there are many saints who are patrons for different marital situations. Here are a few holy helpers to turn to in prayer for intercession.
St. Joseph: Patron of marriage, married people, and stepfamilies
Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and earthly father to our Savior, St. Joseph led the Holy Family with God at the helm. Simply look to the Gospels to see how he loved and cared for his wife and son, who he selflessly loved and led to realize God’s will for the world.
To become the husband God has called me to be – St. Joseph, pray for me.
Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin: The first canonized couple
This couple not only raised children who grew up to dedicate their lives to the Church through religious vocations – one of which went on to become one of the Church’s most beloved saints, Therese of Lisieux – but they were canonized together, too!
For the desire to pursue holiness together in our marriage – Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin, pray for us.
St. Monica: Patron of married women
Monica had her work cut out for her: she grew up Christian, but married a pagan who harassed her for her faith and would not allow her to baptize their children. Despite experiencing a difficult marriage and having one of her three children take too much after their father in a life dedicated to “wine, women and song,” Monica never stopped praying for her husband and son’s conversion to God. Her efforts were rewarded when her husband finally accepted Christ and was baptized after 16 years, and her difficult son, St. Augustine, went on to become one of the greatest doctors of the Church.
For the desire to never cease prayer for my spouse and marriage – St. Monica, pray for us.
St. Priscilla: Patron of good marriages
If you remember Priscilla from the Book of Acts and St. Paul’s letters, you may recall she and her husband, St. Aquila, dedicated their lives to Christ by offering their hospitality to missionary Christians working to spread the Gospel. Together, they remained dedicated to their marriage and the Gospel, even as they became martyrs.
To love and follow each other as we live for Christ – St. Priscilla, pray for us.
St. Thomas More: Patron of difficult marriages
St. Thomas More was a loving husband and father during a tumultuous time in England. He chose to remarry after his first wife died and wrote fondly of both of his wives, having educated them alongside their children – even giving his daughters the same education as his son. He created a faithful family life in the face of danger under the reign of King Henry VIII, who challenged Catholic teachings concerning divorce and remarriage when the requirements of the sacrament did not bend according to his wishes. St. Thomas More didn’t back down from defending the Church’s teaching and endured martyrdom for his defense of the sacrament.
For the desire to do what is right and just in our marriage – St. Thomas More, pray for us.
St. Valentine: Patron of happy marriages and engaged couples
What’s a Catholic celebration of love without St. Valentine? According to one legend about this saint, during a period when Christians were persecuted for their faith, the emperor outlawed marriage for young men, insisting single men made for better soldiers. As a man of God, Valentine recognized that God’s authority superseded the state’s and he performed weddings for Christians seeking to celebrate the sacrament. He was eventually arrested and martyred, but we still celebrate this saint and his dedication to love to this day.
For a happy marriage in the face of difficulties the world may present – St. Valentine, pray for us.