Seek and find the Lord
Jesus is alive! But do we recognize him?
Jesus is alive! But do we recognize him?
It makes for a slightly embarrassing and mildly awkward moment when you bump into someone you know but they don’t initially recognize you. Their eyes pass over you with no acknowledgment until their brain engages and it dawns on them, “wait, I know you!” This blush-inducing interaction could arise because it’s a completely different environment from your normal interactions or they don’t expect you to be shopping at 2 p.m. on a Wednesday afternoon. Regardless of the circumstances, it’s not usually because they genuinely don’t remember your face. They just weren’t expecting to see you.
It makes for a slightly embarrassing and mildly awkward moment when you bump into someone you know but they don’t initially recognize you. Their eyes pass over you with no acknowledgment until their brain engages and it dawns on them, “wait, I know you!” This blush-inducing interaction could arise because it’s a completely different environment from your normal interactions or they don’t expect you to be shopping at 2 p.m. on a Wednesday afternoon. Regardless of the circumstances, it’s not usually because they genuinely don’t remember your face. They just weren’t expecting to see you.
The Gospel account describing Jesus’ appearances on Easter Sunday contain two similar situations. First, Mary Magdalene arrives at Jesus’ tomb hoping to care for Jesus’ body; definitely expecting his body to be in the tomb! Instead, the stone is rolled away, and eventually she is approached by the risen Christ. In her grief and confusion, she doesn’t recognize him until he says her name. Jesus, ever loving and gentle, intimately and personally reveals himself to Mary, and in her delight and enthusiasm she doesn’t want to let him go!
Later on that same day, two disciples dejectedly make their way toward Emmaus. In their despair and sadness, they fail to realize the true identity of the man who draws near, walks with them, and humbly enters their conversation. The Lord doesn’t allow them to see clearly who he really is, until he takes bread and breaks it for them. With astonishment and joy, they run back to Jerusalem to confirm and proclaim that Jesus is alive.
In both instances, Jesus patiently and intentionally reveals himself to his followers. I find it encouraging that he does so, even though they weren’t looking for or expecting him. Mary expected him to be dead, and the two disciples, on the very day of Jesus’ glorious triumph over sin and death, had given up hope. We supposedly believe Jesus is alive, active, moving and present in our world today and yet we often live as though we’d be shocked to encounter him. The Church is Christ’s body on the earth, and each baptized person carries the presence of God, so “seeing” Jesus shouldn’t be a surprise but a hopeful expectation. Do we believe we will see and encounter Jesus in our daily lives? Are we looking for him in others? Or do we live as though he never left the tomb? Look for the risen Jesus today and be ready to say, “Oh wait, I know you!”
Pete Burak is the director of i.d.9:16, the young adult outreach of Renewal Ministries. He has a master’s degree in theology and is a frequent speaker on evangelization and discipleship.