Home for the holidays? 3 tips for juggling time with family and friends
Heading home for the holidays is something most people look forward to. However, it can be stressful if there are more people to visit than time allows. Here are a few suggestions to consider when deciding how to spend your time:
1. Communication is key. Find out what the expectations are for family events. If you won’t be able to attend every event, find out which ones are most important to your parents or family and discuss how to make it work ahead of time. Be sure to be honest with your friends about family obligations so you don’t find yourself making up excuses at the last minute.
2. Don’t try to see everyone and do everything each time you’re home. People are more understanding than you think. Visit some of your friends when you’re home for Christmas, and some when you come home for another holiday or visit. Maybe visit with extended relatives every other holiday. Those who care about you will understand time constraints and love you just the same.
3. Allow yourself some down time. Holidays are a time to count your blessings and enjoy being in the presence of those you love. Focus on quality time. Realize you are not your best self when you are run-down and stressed. Give yourself permission to relax and recharge.
Holidays are a perfect opportunity to take a deep breath and appreciate where God has brought you, and the relationships God has blessed your life with at this moment in time. Don’t forget to say a prayer of thanksgiving for having so many people who love you!