Where can I meet people?
“All the good ones are married.” How many times have you heard or thought that? Take a deep breath because it’s just not true. Here are a few suggestions of places you might find that diamond in the rough.
Community or parish groups
Have you thought about joining a local group or church that supports a cause you believe in? A pro-life or social justice group? They are a fantastic way to meet someone who has at least one important thing in common with you. Dive into what is offered at your parish. Being married is not a prerequisite for these volunteer opportunities!
Young professionals group
Many cities are starting these groups that are fantastic networking opportunities, as well as opportunities to meet people in general.
Take a class!
Are you interested in photography? Repairing cars? Take a class in a subject you’re passionate about – you may meet someone who shares your interest. Even if you don’t, you’ll at least learn how to change a spark plug!
Take a look at Matthew 6:33: “Set your hearts on his kingdom first, and on God’s saving justice, and all these other things will be given you as well.” Trust that God’s plan, and his timing, are perfect. Take your time as a single Catholic to explore and deepen your relationship with Christ. Put yourself out there and allow God to guide the way.