¿Cómo afrontar un divorcio en la familia? |
Do I need to confess the same sins over and over? |
¿Por qué le pasan cosas malas a la gente buena? |
Fall 2024 |
Con cảm thấy bị sao nhãng tại buổi Thánh Lễ |
Fall 2024 |
Me siento tan distraída en la Misa |
May 2023 |
There was no funeral Mass for my dear friend |
May 2023 |
No hubo Misa funeral para mi querida amiga |
April 2023 |
Mercy and forgiveness with Father Joe |
April 2023 |
Misericordia y perdón con el padre Joe |
December 2022 |
Estimado padre Joe: Nuestra diócesis está cambiando mucho, y me siento tan perdido. |
December 2022 |
Dear Father Joe: Our diocese is changing a lot and I feel so lost. |
November 2022 |
Dear Father Joe: I Feel Like a Mom Who is Constantly Failing |
November 2022 |
Estimado padre Joe: Me siento como una mamá que está fallando constantemente. |
October 2022 |
Dear Father Joe: I Need Help Explaining to My Family and Friends Why I Oppose the Upcoming Ballot Initiative. |
September 2022 |
Dear Father Joe: Why are the Catholic commandments and the words after the Lord’s Prayer different from the Protestants? |
September 2022 |
Estimado padre Joe: ¿Por qué los mandamientos católicos y las palabras después del Padrenuestro son diferentes a las de los protestantes? |
July August 2022 |
Dear Father Joe: Why Did Jesus Ascend to Heaven? |
July August 2022 |
Estimado padre Joe: ¿Por qué Jesús ascendió al cielo? |
May 2022 |
Dear Father Joe, Sometimes Our Faith Seems So Complicated |
May 2022 |
Estimado padre Joe, A veces nuestra fe parece tan complicada |
March April 2022 |
Why Should I Go to Holy Week Services? |
March 2022 |
Dear Father Joe, Does God Keep Forgiving the Same Sin? |
March 2022 |
Estimado padre Joe, ¿Dios sigue perdonando el mismo pecado? |
January February 2022 |
Dear Father Joe: Every Year, Lent Comes and Goes and I Always Feel Like I Somehow Miss It or Blow It. |
December 2021 |
Dear Father Joe: How Do I Become Who God Has Called Me to Be? |
December 2021 |
Estimado padre Joe: ¿Cómo me convierto en quien Dios me ha llamado a ser? |
December 2021 |
5 Things to Know About Father Joe |
November 2021 |
“Dear Father Joe – My husband died this year, and I am so angry with God. How do I move past that/forgive God for taking the love of my life away?” |
October 2021 |
Dear Father Joe: My Mother Has Been Diagnosed With Dementia |
October 2021 |
Estimado Padre Joe: Mi madre ha sido diagnosticada con demencia |
September 2021 |
Estimado Padre Joe: Escucho a la Gente Decir Que Debemos Ser Más Reverentes en La Misa. ¿Cómo Hago Esto? |
September 2021 |
Dear Father Joe: I Hear People Say We Need to Be More Reverent at Mass |
July August 2021 |
Dear Father Joe, I have friends who don’t seem to be interested in returning to church since the quarantine ended. How do I convince them to come back? |
July August 2021 |
June 2021 |
Dear Father Joe: Can Mass Ever Be Irreverent? |
May 2021 |
Dear Father Joe: Should I give to our local diocesan appeal? If so, why? |
May 2021 |
ESTIMADO PADRE JOE: ¿Debo donar a nuestra campaña diocesana local? Si es así, ¿por qué? |
January 2021 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Is Everyone a Racist? |
December 2020 |
Dear Fr. Joe: It Feels Like the World is Falling Apart |
November 2020 |
I Felt Abandoned During the Pandemic |
September 2020 |
Dear Fr Joe: How Do I Deal With the Anger I See on Social Media? |
July August 2020 |
What Does a Priest Do all Day? |
June 2020 |
Dear Father Joe: How Much Do I Have to Love My Enemies? |
May 2020 |
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People |
April 2020 |
Can non-Catholics go to heaven? |
December 2019 |
Father Joe’s Mailbag |
November 2019 |
How Should I be Grateful? |
October 2019 |
Will our pets be with us in Heaven? |
September 2019 |
Is Christ really and truly present in the Eucharist? |
July August 2019 |
How do we teach our children about purity? |
June 2019 |
What is love? |
May 2019 |
Why are there so many different Bibles? |
April 2019 |
Dear Father Joe: Why do Catholics oppose abortion? |
March 2019 |
Why can't non-Catholics receive Communion |
December 2018 |
In the wake of the sex abuse crisis, how can I explain why I’m still Catholic? |
November 2018 |
How can I follow Christ in these dark times? |
October 2018 |
In The Face Of The Abuse Scandals, What Can You Say To Restore My Faith? |
September 2018 |
Why do I need a relationship with Jesus to be happy? |
July August 2018 |
I really don't understand the Trinity |
June 2018 |
How do I love someone I can’t stand? |
May 2018 |
How can I help...? |
April 2018 |
How can I help...? |
March 2018 |
Will we become angels when we go to heaven? |
December 2017 |
How do I talk to my kids about sin when they disagree with a lot of the Church’s teaching? |
September 2017 |
I feel so distracted at Mass |
July August 2017 |
When we see design, we assume a designer |
June 2017 |
Why is it still Easter? |
May 2017 |
Should we baptize our grandchildren in the kitchen sink? |
April 2017 |
What does it really mean to be blessed? |
March 2017 |
Is religion really the cause of all the world’s problems? |
January February 2017 |
Apologetics or Apologizing? |
December 2016 |
Did we do the wrong thing by cremating my dad? |
November 2016 |
How can I invite my family and friends back to church? |
October 2016 |
Why is there so much violence in the world? |
September 2016 |
Do I really have to talk about Jesus? |
July August 2016 |
Priest, pastor, nun, brother: How are these roles different? |
June 2016 |
What's the point of small faith-sharing groups? |
May 2016 |
How can I be a better Catholic? |
April 2016 |
What are our obligations to Planet Earth? |
January February 2016 |
Should We Send Our Kids to Catholic School? |
December 2015 |
Are Catholic superstitions OK? |
November 2015 |
Are there sins my pastor can't forgive? |
October 2015 |
A vocabulary lesson for Mass |
September 2015 |
Do I have to believe everything the Pope says about the environment? |
July August 2015 |
Can you be anointed more than once? |
June 2015 |
Social justice in this world |
May 2015 |
Dear Father Joe, How can I get more involved at my parish? |
April 2015 |
What is RCIA? |
March 2015 |
I don't think people at mass should dress 'like that' |
January February 2015 |
Why do bad things happen to good people? |
December 2014 |
What does the synod mean? |
November 2014 |
Why do I have to do all this for my kids’ religious ed? |
October 2014 |
Why are Christians being persecuted in the middle east? |
September 2014 |
Why should I believe in God? |
July August 2014 |
What's the point of going to Church? |
June 2014 |
Why should I get married in the Church? |
May 2014 |
Why can't Catholics be Masons? |
March 2014 |
My parish closed AND I HATE THE CHANGES |
January February 2014 |
Why is the word ‘catholic’ in the Methodist Creed? |
December 2013 |
Why should we pray to saints? Shouldn’t we go directly to God? |
November 2013 |
I hear there is a new Anglican rite, along with married priests. How does this work? |
October 2013 |
Am I really supposed to be an evangelist? |
September 2013 |
What if we don’t have a Catholic funeral – do we still go to heaven? |
July August 2013 |
How can I tell what my vocation is? |
May 2013 |
Is it really wrong to cheat on exams? Isn’t it just ‘helping’ each other? |
April 2013 |
Why should I stay Catholic? |
March 2013 |
How can we forget that our son stole from us? |
January February 2013 |
How do I keep my New Year’s resolution to be holy? |
December 2012 |
Is Dec. 25 really Jesus’ birthday? |
November 2012 |
Why can’t we get married outside? |
October 2012 |
How do I shake this funk I am in? |
September 2012 |
What’s the point of asking God for what we want? |
July August 2012 |
What does the Church teach about family planning? |
June 2012 |
How do I Evangelize? |
May 2012 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What do you have to do to be excommunicated? |
April 2012 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Why is the Church refusing to pay for birth control? |
March 2012 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What do I say when people ask, ‘Are Catholics really Christian?’ |
January February 2012 |
How do I report liturgical abuse? |
December 2011 |
Why don’t parents take their crying babies out of Mass? |
October 2011 |
What do I say when someone dies? |
September 2011 |
Dear Fr. Joe: How do I go to confession? |
July August 2011 |
Dear Fr. Joe: How do I go to confession? |
June 2011 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What exactly are the principles of social justice? |
May 2011 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What is social justice? |
April 2011 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Is adoration idolatry? |
March 2011 |
Dear Fr. Joe: I can’t carry a tune – why do we have to sing everything at Mass? |
January February 2011 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Is it OK to parish shop? |
December 2010 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Mom doesn’t want life support is that OK? |
November 2010 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Why won’t our pastor bless children? |
October 2010 |
Dear Fr. Joe: How does the pope pick his name? |
September 2010 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What does it mean to be a practicing Catholic? |
July August 2010 |
Dear Fr. Joe: So, why can’t I go to Communion if I have committed a mortal sin? |
June 2010 |
Is there one 'right' way to receive Communion? |
May 2010 |
Dear Fr. Joe: is it OK to believe in space aliens? |
April 2010 |
I don’t like my pastor. What do I do? |
March 2010 |
If God forgives, why confess to a priest? |
January February 2010 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Is the world ending in 2012? |
December 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What’s proper etiquette at Mass? |
November 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: How can I convince my kids that going to Mass is not about being entertained? |
October 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What is a practicing Catholic? |
September 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Was there really a Pope Joan? |
July August 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Does God know what we are going to do before we do it? |
June 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: If God knows everything, what is the point of free will? |
May 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Can you please tell me why Catholics pray to saints? |
April 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Can you please tell me why Catholics pray for the deceased? |
March 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What is purgatory? |
January February 2009 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What does it mean to be "saved"? |
December 2008 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Can Catholics be orthodox? |
November 2008 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Can I be a politician and a Catholic? |
October 2008 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Did the priest scandals prove that a celibate priesthood is unrealistic? |
September 2008 |
Dear Fr. Joe: My parish is changing now what? |
July August 2008 |
How do we deal with a divorce in the family? |
July August 2008 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Catholic school or going back to work? What do I do? |
June 2008 |
If I don't like my priest, can I switch parishes? |
May 2008 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Is it a sin to join the military if the war is unjust? |
March 2008 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Do people go right to heaven or wait until the end of time? |
December 2007 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What does the church teach about Ouija boards, crystals and enneagrams? |
November 2007 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What happened to limbo? I can’t find anything in church documents about this. |
October 2007 |
Dear Fr. Joe: is it a sin to work on Sunday or eat meat on Friday? |
September 2007 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Where did we get all the angel stories? |
July August 2007 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What’s with the Gospel of Judas? |
June 2007 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What’s the difference between mortal and venial sins? |
May 2007 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Who wrote the Bible? |
April 2007 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What is the role of conscience? |
March 2007 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What are the rules about eating before Communion? |
January February 2007 |
Where did we get the concept of purgatory? |
December 2006 |
Dear Father Joe: How does the church pick bishops? |
November 2006 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Is cremation OK? |
October 2006 |
Do I give to the panhandler? |
September 2006 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What do I do if a friend is suicidal? |
June 2006 |
I know this couple is living in sin. Who should I tell? |
May 2006 |
What's up with The DaVinci Code? |
April 2006 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Where was Jesus’ soul during the three days he was in the tomb? |
March 2006 |
Forgive and forget? |
January February 2006 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Did Jesus own the coat he wore? |
December 2005 |
Dear Fr. Joe: do I need to convert? I’m already Catholic. |
November 2005 |
Dear Fr. Joe: What is the difference between TV evangelists and the sacrament of anointing of the sick? |
October 2005 |
Dear Fr. Joe: does God make evil? |
September 2005 |
Dear Fr. Joe: how do I deal with jealousy? |
July August 2005 |
Why doesn't God answer my prayer? |
June 2005 |
Why do we need a pope anyway? |
April 2005 |
Can Catholics Believe in Evolution? |
January February 2005 |
Are All Religions 'Right' and is the Host Really Jesus' Flesh? |
October 2004 |
Is it OK to steal from Bill Gates? |
September 2004 |
Did Jesus ever talk about sex? Are the rules man-made? |
July August 2004 |
Why is it wrong for a couple to live together and 'try out' marriage? |
June 2004 |
Are cremation and organ donation OK? |
May 2004 |
Am I failing to honor my mother by putting her in a nursing home? |
April 2004 |
What are the 'Gnostic gospels'? |
March 2004 |
Is there truth to the book The Da Vinci Code? |
January February 2004 |
Dear Fr. Joe: Do Catholics only have 9 commandments? |
November 2003 |
Peacemakers or breakers |
September 2003 |
Quick answers you can use to defend your faith |
July August 2003 |
What can I do to keep my child pure? |
June 2003 |
Why are they changing the Mass? |
May 2003 |
What gives the church authority to tell us what's right and wrong? |
April 2003 |
What kind of pride is sinful? |
March 2003 |
Are there saints we don't celebrate? If so, why not? |
January February 2003 |
Did Jesus have any brothers or sisters? |
December 2002 |
Because of all our devotions, some say our faith is too complicated? |
November 2002 |
Why is the Church against euthanasia? |
October 2002 |
Why does the Church require nine months preparation before marriage? |
September 2002 |
My parents don't want me to hang out with some friends, what should I do? |
July August 2002 |
Why does the Church require priests to be celibate? |
May June 2002 |
When priests sin, are they judged more harshly by God? |
April 2002 |
Why is the tabernacle off to the side from the main sanctuary? |
March 2002 |
What is the problem with general absolution? |
January 2002 |
I can't get my grandson to come to church. What should I do? |
December 2001 |
In the midst of tragedy, how can we celebrate this Christmas season? |
November 2001 |
The Church's response to Sept 11: Can we go to war? |
October 2001 |
My brother says he is no longer Catholic, what should I do? |
September 2001 |
Can I believe in Wicca and still be Catholic? |
May June 2001 |
What happens to us when we die? Do we believe in reincarnation? |
April 2001 |
Why do we believe in heaven, hell and purgatory if they aren't in the Bible? |
March 2001 |
Why do non-Catholics say the Creed? What's up with that? |
February 2001 |
Can only Catholics get into heaven? |
January 2001 |
What is the deal with God in science? |
December 2000 |
Christmas recalls the day of Jesus' birth |
November 2000 |
Why should I go to a celibate priest for help when my marriage is in trouble? |
September 2000 |
What is Confirmation? |
July August 2000 |
I am a divorced Catholic, can I receive holy communion? |
May June 2000 |
Make faithfulness our goal |
April 2000 |
Why did Jesus have to die? |
March 2000 |
Why do I have to go to Mass when I can pray alone? |
February 2000 |
The great question: So what? |
January 2000 |
I'm honored and will do my best |