Él dice: Necesitamos de “tiempo para nosotros” |
Ella dice: Debemos planear nuestro funeral |
ELLA DICE: Él hace comentarios sarcásticos sobre nuestros amigos |
Él dice: Me temo que ella se está convirtiendo en una adicta |
¿Cómo evitamos que el estrés y la ansiedad de este tiempo dañen nuestro matrimonio? |
Ella dice: Tengo una gran oportunidad de empleo |
Él dice: Necesitamos usar disciplina más efectiva |
Él dice: Ella perdida mucho dinero comprando en línea (online) |
Ella dice: Quiero ir a su reunión de la escuela secundaria |
Ella dice: Su madre está demasiado involucrada en la crianza de nuestro bebé. |
ELLA DICE: ‘Estoy cansada de ser la encargada de la disciplina |
Él dice: Deberíamos invitar a los compañeros de cuarto de nuestro hijo para la Navidad |
Ella dice: Él no quiere tomar sus medicinas para la depresión. |
April 2025 |
Strengthening your marriage with the Liturgy of the Eucharist |
April 2025 |
Fortalecer su matrimonio con la Liturgia de la Eucaristía |
May 2025 |
Temperaments and your marriage |
March 2025 |
The Mass and your marriage |
March 2025 |
La Misa y su matrimonio |
January February 2025 |
How the Mass can strengthen your marriage |
January February 2025 |
Cómo la Misa puede fortalecer su matrimonio |
December 2024 |
A Bride and Groom – The Bride and The Groom |
December 2024 |
La pareja de novios - La novia y el novio |
November 2024 |
Communicating God’s love through your marriage |
November 2024 |
Comunicar el amor de Dios a través de su matrimonio |
October 2024 |
Living marriage as a sacrament |
October 2024 |
Vivir el matrimonio como un sacramento |
September 2024 |
Our daughter and her husband are having a family crisis |
September 2024 |
Nuestra hija y su marido atraviesan una crisis familiar |
July August 2024 |
He says: With the kids gone, it’s time to leave this big house and move into something smaller |
July August 2024 |
Él dice: Con los hijos fuera, es hora de dejar esta casa grande y mudarse a algo más pequeño |
June 2024 |
She says: I want to keep some of my mom’s special things |
June 2024 |
Ella Dice: Quiero conservar algunas de las cosas especiales de mi madre |
May 2024 |
They say: We love each other and want to get married but we are almost 10 years apart in age |
May 2024 |
Ellos dicen: Nos amamos y queremos casarnos, pero nos separan casi 10 años de edad |
April 2024 |
Ella dice: El deporte y otras actividades son buenas para los niños |
April 2024 |
She says: Sports and other activities are good for kids |
March 2024 |
He says: I am being offered a promotion at work |
March 2024 |
Él dice: En el trabajo me ofrecen un ascenso |
January February 2024 |
Trusting God and each other in adversity |
January February 2024 |
Confiar en Dios y los demás en la adversidad |
December 2023 |
He says: Too much screen time since COVID! |
December 2023 |
Él dice: ¡Demasiado tiempo frente a la pantalla desde el COVID! |
November 2023 |
Ella dice: Creo que es lindo que nuestra nieta me cuente ‘secretos’ |
November 2023 |
She says: I think it’s cute our granddaughter tells me ‘secrets.’ |
October 2023 |
Ella dice: Deberíamos hablar con nuestra hija sobre el hombre con el que está pensando casarse |
October 2023 |
She says: We should speak to our daughter about the man she is thinking of marrying |
September 2023 |
He says: Our daughter and her husband need help watching their new baby |
September 2023 |
Él dice: Nuestra hija y su esposo necesitan ayuda para cuidar a su nuevo bebé |
July August 2023 |
Our adult daughter stopped attending Mass |
July August 2023 |
Nuestra hija adulta dejó de ir a Misa |
June 2023 |
No babies or toddlers at the wedding?! |
June 2023 |
¿No se permiten bebés o niños pequeños en la boda? |
May 2023 |
“We both want to get back to the basics of loving communication” |
May 2023 |
“Ambos queremos volver a lo básico de la comunicación amorosa”. |
April 2023 |
He says: I feel like our marriage is falling apart. |
April 2023 |
Él dice: Siento que nuestro matrimonio se está desmoronando. |
March 2023 |
He Says: I Don’t Want to Spend All My Free Time With This Couple |
March 2023 |
Él dice: No quiero pasar todo mi tiempo libre con esta pareja |
January 2023 |
He Says: We Love Each Other but Are So Different |
January 2023 |
Él dice: Nosotros nos amamos, pero somos muy diferentes |
December 2022 |
He and She Say: We’re Dreading Going Home to Either of Our Families for the Holidays |
December 2022 |
Él y ella dicen: Tenemos miedo de ir a casa de cualquiera de nuestras familias para las vacaciones. |
November 2022 |
He Says: Now That We Can Gather Again as an Extended Family, I Want to Invite the Big Group for Thanksgiving. |
November 2022 |
Él dice: Ahora que podemos reunirnos nuevamente como familia extensa, quiero invitar al grupo grande para el Día de Acción de Gracias. |
October 2022 |
He says: I lost my job and have not been able to find another that pays me what I think I’m worth |
October 2022 |
Él dice: Perdí mi trabajo y no he podido encontrar otro que me pague lo que creo que merezco |
September 2022 |
Ella dice: Quiere invertir en criptomonedas, pero creo que es demasiado arriesgado |
September 2022 |
She says: He wants to invest in cryptocurrency, but I feel it’s too risky |
July August 2022 |
She says: I thought he would stop playing video games after we got married |
July August 2022 |
Ella dice: Pensé que dejaría de jugar videojuegos después de que nos casáramos |
June 2022 |
He Says: I Don’t Want Her Brother to Babysit |
June 2022 |
Él dice: No quiero que su hermano cuide a nuestros hijos |
May 2022 |
She Says: I Want to Travel Now That We’re Retired |
May 2022 |
Ella dice: Quiero viajar ahora que estamos jubilados |
April 2022 |
She Says: I Don’t Think We Have to Share All of Our Financial Assets |
April 2022 |
What’s Sacramental About Marriage? |
April 2022 |
Ella dice: No creo que tengamos que compartir todos nuestros activos financieros |
March 2022 |
She Says: Sometimes I Snap at Him |
March 2022 |
Ella dice: A veces exploto contra él |
January February 2022 |
She Says: I Need My “Alone Time” |
January February 2022 |
Ella dice: Necesito mi "tiempo a solas". |
December 2021 |
She Says: Our Marriage Takes a Back Seat to Hanging Out With the Guys |
December 2021 |
Ella dice: Nuestro matrimonio pasa a un segundo plano por pasar el rato con los chicos |
November 2021 |
He Says: She Is Always Bragging About Her Family History |
November 2021 |
Él dice: Ella siempre se jacta de su historia familiar |
October 2021 |
She Says: I’m Always the One to Give in |
October 2021 |
Ella dice: Siempre soy la que debe ceder |
September 2021 |
Él Dice: Nosotros Casi Nunca Nos Vemos |
September 2021 |
He Says: We Hardly Ever See Each Other |
July August 2021 |
HE SAYS: Let’s do online school again |
July August 2021 |
Él dice: Hagamos la escuela en línea de nuevo. |
June 2021 |
Ella dice: Miguel está al límite y últimamente tiene mal genio. |
June 2021 |
SHE SAYS: I’m concerned about his temper |
May 2021 |
SHE SAYS: I want to go back to school for a master’s degree |
May 2021 |
Ella dice: Quiero volver a la escuela para hacer una maestría |
April 2021 |
SHE SAYS: I lost my job and my work was important to me |
March 2021 |
SHE SAYS: John needs to give away some of his stuff |
January 2021 |
SHE SAYS: Do we have to talk about work when we spend all day “in the office” together? |
December 2020 |
SHE SAYS: I really disagree with some of the choices he made in the voting booth and I’m really struggling to understand. |
November 2020 |
She Says: I Don't Want to Invite My Biological Father to My Wedding |
October 2020 |
He Says: She Didn’t Tell Me Our Daughter Got a Speeding Ticket |
October 2020 |
Él Dice: Ella no me dijo que nuestra hija recibió una multa por exceso de velocidad |
September 2020 |
Our Parenting Styles Are Really Different |
July August 2020 |
He Says: I Think We Should Take the Chance and Visit Our Grandchildren |
June 2020 |
How do we divide child-care tasks while both working full-time from home? |
May 2020 |
How do we keep the stress of this time from straining our marriage? |
April 2020 |
He says: She thinks my habits are annoying |
March 2020 |
She Says: Jason’s Brother Doesn’t Seem to Like Me |
January February 2020 |
She Says: ‘I want him to choose a Christmas gift for me.’ |
December 2019 |
ÉL DICE: Está obsesionada con su salud y su dieta |
December 2019 |
He says: She’s become obsessed with her health and diet |
October 2019 |
He says: I had an emotional relationship via Facebook |
September 2019 |
He says: Our friends are all parents of our kids’ friends |
July August 2019 |
He says: I'm tired of entertaining people who don't reciprocate |
June 2019 |
She says: After my diagnosis, we need to move |
June 2019 |
ELLA DICE: Después de mi diagnosis, tenemos que apurarnos. |
May 2019 |
He says: Her sole focus is our child She says: It’s our most important job! |
April 2019 |
She says: Matt never says “Thank you." He says: Sarah knows I appreciate her |
March 2019 |
He says: She wants a divorce, I had no idea. |
January February 2019 |
He says: She spends too much money on clothes |
December 2018 |
She says: My mom likes to donate to charitable causes |
November 2018 |
He Says: My daughter and her boyfriend aren’t spending the night together in our house |
October 2018 |
She Says: He is always taking his mother’s side |
September 2018 |
Five keys to a happier marriage |
July August 2018 |
He says: We are struggling financially and I think I should get a second job |
June 2018 |
He Says: The Kids’ Summer is Too Structured |
May 2018 |
She says: I don't want to homeschool our kids |
April 2018 |
She says: He makes snide comments about our friends |
March 2018 |
She says: Joe is always telling our friends what to do |
January February 2018 |
She says: I think we should sacrifice to have no debt |
December 2017 |
He says: Separate Christmases for our quarreling daughters? |
November 2017 |
He says: I’m retired and I want to travel |
October 2017 |
She says: We should donate only to Catholic Charities |
September 2017 |
She says: I'm tired of being the disciplinarian |
July August 2017 |
He Says: We can't afford to pay for our daughter's college |
June 2017 |
She says: His mother is too involved in our parenting |
May 2017 |
She says: I want to go to his high school reunion |
April 2017 |
When Your Fiancé Isn’t Catholic |
April 2017 |
He says: We need to use more effective discipline |
March 2017 |
He says: She posts too many photos of our kids on Facebook |
January February 2017 |
He says: She is always texting, even during dinner |
December 2016 |
He says: I’m not going to my brother’s house for Christmas |
November 2016 |
It’s time for our daughter to host Christmas dinner |
October 2016 |
He says: We should put our son in a group home |
September 2016 |
He says: "I don't want to feel guilty about not going to mass" |
July August 2016 |
She says: All we ever do is argue |
June 2016 |
She says: I want to make sure we get to Mass every week |
May 2016 |
He Says: NFP is putting a strain on our marriage |
April 2016 |
She says: I want to join a faith sharing group |
March 2016 |
He says: I'm not sure I can trust my son again |
January February 2016 |
He says: The kids moved out, and now she's never home |
December 2015 |
He says: We should invite our son’s roommates for Christmas |
November 2015 |
He says: She lost a lot of our money shopping online |
October 2015 |
She says: I have a great job opportunity |
September 2015 |
He Says: I'm afraid she's becoming addicted |
July August 2015 |
She Says: We should plan our funeral |
June 2015 |
She Says: I can’t leave the baby at home |
May 2015 |
She says: He won’t take his depression meds |
April 2015 |
She says: "I really want to be a stay-at-home mom" |
March 2015 |
He Says: I don’t find her attractive anymore |
January February 2015 |
He Says: I want her to use NFP exclusively |
December 2014 |
We need to eat healthier food |
November 2014 |
My fiancée is too stressed out about our wedding |
October 2014 |
He Says: "She is showing signs of dementia" |
September 2014 |
She Says: His parents seem to hate me at times |
July August 2014 |
He Says: She gossips with her friend about our marriage |
June 2014 |
She Says: “He’s obsessed with his iPhone” |
May 2014 |
He Says: "Our adult son moved back in, and I want him out" |
April 2014 |
She Says: “A vacation means a nice hotel on the beach” |
March 2014 |
She Says: "I can't trust him anymore, so I don't see any other way." |
January February 2014 |
She says: “I don’t think our daughter’s destination wedding is valid.” |
December 2013 |
She says: “Our daughter needs to learn what it means to be a parent on her own.” |
November 2013 |
She says: “We pay child support – that’s enough.” |
September 2013 |
She says: “He has unrealistic expectations of our children.” |
July August 2013 |
He Says: “Getting a Tattoo Is Immoral.” |
June 2013 |
She says: “Our house is full of his junk!” |
May 2013 |
SHE SAYS: “I’m just practical. Why can’t Patrick see that?” |
April 2013 |
SHE SAYS: “I can’t stand the way he eats!” |
March 2013 |
She Says: “I believe we should pray always.” |
January February 2013 |
She says: “He is spending us into the poorhouse!” |
December 2012 |
He says: “Our daughter is old enough to choose her own boyfriend” |
November 2012 |
He says: “She wants everything to be exactly even for our children.” |
September 2012 |
She says: “The kids are trying hard enough in school.” |
July August 2012 |
She says: “I don’t want our children to know they have a half-sibling.” |
June 2012 |
"I am tired of arguing about politics!" - "Then what do we Talk about?" |
May 2012 |
"I don't want to call my mother-in-law Mom.' " "My mom loves her - what's the problem?" |
April 2012 |
"My brother-in-law is having an affair. I want to tell my sister." |
March 2012 |
"I want my wife to come to Mass with me." "I am not a Catholic." |
January February 2012 |
"My kids aren't being treated fairly in our marriage." "I made promises about money to my late wife" |
December 2011 |
"I don't want my son raised by a stranger." "I love my job." |
November 2011 |
"I caught him 'chatting' online to another woman" |
October 2011 |
Learning to be a great step-mom |
July August 2011 |
"My wife's stepmom should take care of her husband" "My stepmother is neglecting dad. I want him to move in with us" |
June 2011 |
"My house isn't my own." - "She needs to accept my past." |
May 2011 |
"Smoking is a deal-breaker." - "Marriage shouldn't have deal-breakers." |
April 2011 |
It's my turn to be Mommy - The kids just need time. |
March 2011 |
I dread family holidays - I do all the work. |
January February 2011 |
"He wants my e-mail password - that's private!" |
December 2010 |
Our 15-year-old is pregnant - we need to help her raise the baby. |
October 2010 |
He's gained weight and I'm not attracted to him anymore. |
July August 2010 |
I'm afraid my husband is an alcoholic |
June 2010 |
We got married too young - I want to try the single life. |
May 2010 |
I hate not being the breadwinner |
March 2010 |
He needs to find a job |
January February 2010 |
I can't stand our daughter-in-law. |
December 2009 |
I love my wife, but my stepson has to go! |
November 2009 |
I think she's having an affair with a co-worker |
October 2009 |
Our faith should be the most important thing in our lives |
July August 2009 |
She says: His big mouth embarrasses me. He says: Get over it |
June 2009 |
Her mom needs to go to a nursing home |
May 2009 |
He wants to run our home like a military unit |
April 2009 |
We agreed to use "the Pill" |
March 2009 |
She treats "our" child better than "my" child |
January February 2009 |
We had a baby and I lost my wife! - He's acting like a baby himself |
December 2008 |
We're going to Paris, let's plan! - Can't we just 'wing it'? |
November 2008 |
She's having an affair |
October 2008 |
Our toddler belongs at Sunday Mass! - He's too lively and distracting. |
September 2008 |
Our parish closed, where should we go? |
July August 2008 |
Mass is important to our family, It's not important to me |
May 2008 |
She's married to her job, I'm just dedicated |
March 2008 |
She says: I am so depressed, He says: Snap out of it |
December 2007 |
It's my money, I thought we shared everything |
November 2007 |
We're retired - it's time to chuck it in and travel |
October 2007 |
He flirts with other women |
July August 2007 |
We've already raised our children - it's not our turn |
June 2007 |
I want my mother to move in |
May 2007 |
When we're on vacation, I want to see all the sights! |
April 2007 |
He doesn't know how to dress right without my help |
March 2007 |
I don't want to support her deadbeat relatives |
January February 2007 |
The romance has fizzled, He may be right |
November 2006 |
His kids get more than mine, My kids don't get enough |
October 2006 |
I want more romance, I'm too tired |
July August 2006 |
I should be number one!, But she's my mother! |
June 2006 |
Why should I work?, He's irresponsible |
May 2006 |
It's normal, No it's porn |
April 2006 |
He wants to risk it all for a new business, she wants to play it safe |
March 2006 |
He's lazy, She's a nag |
January February 2006 |
He's frugal, She's a spender |
November 2005 |
Take time for a family meeting to plan some fun! |
October 2005 |
It's about time to savor the sunset |
July August 2005 |
Share your daily commute |
June 2005 |
Love can be lovelier the second time around |
April 2005 |
5 Ways to Balance Time as a Couple |
January February 2005 |
Take 10 Minutes to Talk |
October 2004 |
Spending and giving |
July August 2004 |
Giving the gift of self |
June 2004 |
Learning good communication |
May 2004 |
Turn chores into time together |
April 2004 |
No time for prayer? Do it first |
March 2004 |
What are your needs and dreams? |
January February 2004 |
Is your marriage a priority? |